The reason why India's economy and stock market are expected to grow faster than those of developed countries

India's population can indeed be considered one of its biggest strengths due to its unique demographic profile. With an average age of 28.4 years, India is among the youngest countries in the world, and 64% of its population is in their working age. This represents a significant potential for India's productivity and earnings to rise, as this young workforce can contribute to the economy through their work.
With more earning potential, this young population also has the opportunity to invest their money, which could contribute to economic growth. It's worth noting that China and other prosperous countries have demonstrated the fastest growth rates at the same median age as India's current demographic profile.
However, it's important to acknowledge that having a youthful population is just one factor in driving economic growth. Other factors such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic policies are also important to ensure that this demographic dividend is realized and that India's full potential is reached.