Dictionary • Feb 9, 2023 Relative Strength Index (RSI) The Relative Strength Index measures the speed and magnitude by which the price of stock changes and indicates whether a stock is in its overbought or oversold situation.
Dictionary • Feb 9, 2023 Resistance & Support Resistance refers to something that opposes and Support is just the opposite of resistance.
Dictionary • Feb 8, 2023 Moving Average (MA) Moving Average is a line drawn on the chart indicating the average price movement based on open, high, low, and close in a particular time frame.
Dictionary • Jan 25, 2023 Investment Investment means putting your money in an asset/a group of assets in such a way that with the passage of time the value of that asset/group of assets appreciates, in other words, increases the price of the same.
Dictionary • Jan 25, 2023 Speculation Speculation is buying an asset (shares, currency, commodity, etc) for a short period of time assuming that the cards are in their favor so that you can gain big.